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How to Master Breakdancing Freezes

Amruta Gaikwad
Breakdancing is a very popular dance form. Today's youth show great interest in learning the many different breakdancing moves. The following information will teach you the tricks of B-boying freezes.
B-boying, also known as breakdancing, was earlier performed on the streets by youngsters who kept onlookers mesmerized by their complicated and artistic moves. Soon the dance form caught the attention of hip hop singers and became a part of their culture.
Breakdancing includes four types; downrock, power moves, toprock and freezes. Each of these types involve many different and complex body moves that look graceful and stylish. Breakdancing moves go well mainly with hip hop and remixed songs.
As it includes complicated body movements, it takes plenty of time to learn the dance form. Incorrect posture and movements can even lead to severe injuries and even hurt the individual.
In order to learn these freezes, one needs to have proper body coordination and rhythm. Freezes in breakdancing is a method wherein the dancer has to stop the body movement in a particular position. For this, the dancer must be extremely fit and must have strong body balance and also be able to meet the rhythm of the music.
The sudden halt in the movement looks like the dancer is frozen. When performed in the most complex body position, these freezes look beautiful and surely catch the attention of many. If you are a dance enthusiast then you can create your own freezes, or here are a few variations in them that might give a kick-start to your breakdancing lessons.

Well-known Freezes From Breakdance

Baby Freeze

Lay sideways on the floor, keeping a six inch gap between your legs. Your knees must be resting on the floor. Place your right hand on the floor and spread your fingers because, when you lift your body, your right hand works as a great support for it.
Rest your hip bone completely on the right elbow. This position is comfortable and provides a better balance for performing the baby freeze. Place your left hand at a slight distance from your right hand. Once you have formed the right posture, begin to elevate your legs and keep your head placed on the floor sideways, but a little to your left.
Placing both the hands on the floor provides stability and distributes the pressure evenly. As you begin to gain balance, you can next try to move your legs back and forth and be ready to showoff your newly learned baby freeze.

Air Freeze

Air freezes require great level of balance as the entire body's weight falls on the hands.
Therefore, before getting an air freeze, practice handstands, against the wall and then without any support. Once you have achieved a certain level of balance, proceed to learning air freeze. While performing an air freeze, get into a handstand and try to touch your knee with one hand. Continue performing the freeze till you are able to freeze the move.

Turtle Freeze

Lie flat on your stomach. Place both your hands on the floor, fingers pointing outwards. Slowly elevate your entire body, putting the weight on your hand. Continue practicing this position till you can balance your body well.
At the beginning it will be hard to balance the entire body weight on just two hands and might cause pain in your shoulders. Therefore, do not stress and gradually master the skill of the turtle freeze. Once you are able to balance your body, practice freezing the movement.

Handglide Freeze

A similar freeze to the turtle one, the dancer has to get into the same position to be able to perform a handglide freeze. However, in this breakdance freeze, the dancer is required to tuck his one hand under his ribcage and leave the other hand in the air.
This is a slightly complicated breakdance freeze as the entire weight of the body rests on one hand. Once a sufficient level of balance is acquired, focus on the freezing state.
These are some of the moves and ways to perform B-boying freezes. If you are a beginner then performing these moves under proper guidance of a professional is preferred. Also the dancer must be in a completely fit condition to showcase such spellbinding freezes.